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Welcome to JETodev

Use your docs in digital world...

By using JETodev, you can contruct your own question bank from your PDF files. Then prepare online quizzes easily. Besides, you can share them or use shared quizes

About JETodev

It is a software developed to reduce the workload of teachers and increase the quality of education, especially during the period when distance education is compulsory during the pandemic period. With our software, teachers can create a question bank by converting their resources to PDF or taking a screenshot. Each question can be labeled according to its chapter,topic etc.Morever, teaschers can add solution video to their questions. Then, with a few clicks, he can create his assignments and send it to students. Results are reported in detail and students can easily identify where they are weak.


Shared Quizzes

Shared quizzes are prepared by teachers in the system. Teachers can send these quizzes to their own students and get report of success of students. Morever, any teacher can share his/her quizzes, earn points.(These points can be used to upgrade pro or pro+)


Teachers can contruct their own question bank. Questions can be added the bank by cropping from PDF file or capturing from the screen. Teachers can also define their own syllabus. Questions in the bank can be labeled in detail.


Teachers can prepare their own quizzes by selecting questions with different criteria. For example, teachers can select question from their own bank or system questions. Then, quizzes can be published to a specific class or pubished with a link

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